The sex education we received growing up was lackluster, and in some ways, damaging:
• Caroline had abstinence-only sex education that included no reference to non-cis non-straight identities. When someone in class asked if there was any way to prevent STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) besides abstinence, the health teacher clearly wanted to expand but was unable to given the school's policies.
• Leah was fortunate to have sex education that discussed contraception and was more inclusive of a variety of sexual orientations and gender expressions. However, the sex education was still fear- and shame-based. It failed to properly educate on the importance of enthusiastic consent or to express the empowerment and pleasure that consensual sex could bring to some people.
Your Empowered Sexuality (YES!) provides anti-oppressive, consent-based, pleasure-focused sexuality education for people of all ages. It is based out of Philadelphia and has previously done workshops within the School District of Philadelphia (including with Caroline's students!) and at Haverford College, among many others.
The first time Leah had sex ed that felt empowering to her was at a YES! workshop in college. We are fundraising for YES! because we don't want others to have to wait as long for inclusive sex education.
Leah joined the YES! board as fundraising chair in 2023 and became board chair this past spring. She is thrilled to work with such an awesome organization and towards such important goals. Your donation helps make that possible and will help Philadelphia students and people of all ages get the intersectional, consent-based sex education they deserve.